Wednesday, January 15, 2014

“The Best and Worst Sign You’ll see at Walt Disney World.”

It’s January again, the time of year traditionally (if arbitrarily) set aside for reflection, re-examination and resolutions. As the chaos of the holiday season waned and passed into 2014, I decided this was year when I would finally begin to focus on my artistic endeavors and move them from a hobby to a professional venture. I’ve set a goal for myself of producing many more pieces than I have in the past, enough to fill out my Etsy store, participate in some local arts &crafts shows and hopefully even be a part of some group gallery shows.

I’d like to use this blog not only as a showcase of my new works, but also a place to give a peek-behind-the-curtain of my projects. I’d like to post not only how I made the pieces ( I’m a total process nerd) but also the “Why.” I believe you can gain a lot of insight about a work from why an artist choose a certain subject. Think of this as the Bonus Features on a DVD.

To kick off 2014, here is a piece I finished just last week titled, “The Best and Worst Sign You’ll see at Walt Disney World.”

“Uh… What’s with the bus stop sign?” I’ll admit that it seems like an odd choice, but this bus stop sign has two things I love: wonderful, nostalgic design and it’s the signal that I’m at Walt Disney World, that my vacation has really begun.

The impetus for this project came in August as my excitement grew over our impending November 2013 trip to Walt Disney World. It’s no secret that my family are Disney Fanatics or more correctly: Disney Obsessed. We’re THOSE people. The ones other people shake their heads and wonder about. Our particular obsession? Disney Parks. Make the mistake of mentioning Magic Kingdom and you’ll be in for an afternoon-long, for-Pete’s-sake-please-let-me-escape discussion of park history, tips and other minutiae. We own and frequently listen to Disney Park Music (I’m currently listen to the Magic Kingdom Entrance loop.) We know the names of Imagineers and can point out their contributions to particular attractions. We delight in finding Hidden Mickeys (my older daughter Katie recently found one in an episode of Dr. Who.) In short, we love the special brand of magic and attention to detail the Disney Cast Members bring to every aspect of your vacation.

For any Disney Resort Guest flying into Orlando International, Disney’s Magical Express is the first experience with this all-encompassing magic. thCAC14FMUJust follow the signs through the airport, past all the poor non-resort schlubbs awaiting their luggage, and you will find yourself DSC00017-1024x682greeted by friendly cast members who will direct you to the huge, Streamline-Modern-themed motor coaches complete with bathrooms, Air conditioning and video screens full of the awesomeness you’ll soon witness. Wait a minute! What about your luggage? Once you drop your luggage off at your home airport, you don’t need to worry about it until you head home. By Disney magic, it will appear in your hotel room within three hours. All you need do is sit back and relax during the half-hour trip to your resort. Of course, you’re heading DISNEY WORLD so who can relax?

“Okay, that why it’s the best sign, so why is it the worst?” Easy enough answer – the next time you see that same Magical Express sign is when you are sitting on a bench waiting to be taken back to the airport at the end of your trip. Seriously, there are very few things sadder than leaving Disney World. Katie was sobbing almost uncontrollably as we waited.IMG_4434                                                                         Our bus arriving to take us to the airport.

Here are a couple of additional pictures I used for reference:
   magical-express-bus-stop  magical express sign_2

"The Best and Worst Sign You'll See at Walt Disney World" is currently available in my Etsy Store. has been SOLD!


  1. I'm a huge gaming/sci-fi/fantasy/horror obsessed freak and my wife (and kids) are obsessed with Disney. Where do you guys live? Who knows, maybe we'll see you guys sometime down there.

  2. We're in SE Pennsylvania - we're actually heading down there in a few months
